Girl Scout Sign

Troop 1109

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Welcome to our troop website!

Troop standing in front of platform tent We are the members of Girl Scout Troop 1109. We currently have 23 Juniors, 3 Cadettes, 4 Seniors,
5 leaders and 1 very important committee member (who also serves as our troop cookie coordinator).
We also have some great parents that help out at our meetings and outings.
We belong to the Hornets' Nest Council located in Charlotte, North Carolina.

We are a very active troop and love to participate in council and district sponsored events. We love camping (especially eating s'mores by the campfire), hiking, crafts, working on badges and having a lot of fun. One of the things we love to do for community service is to go play Bingo with the residents of Carillon Assisted Living Center once a month. We consider them our adoptive grandparents and they enjoy us spending time with them.

This page was created by Kelley Curtin and was last updated on September 13, 2007.